Sunday, November 11, 2012

Freeman's Facial Enzyme Mask Review

This mask claims to gently exfoliate your skin, lightly moisturize to leave skin soft and younger-looking.
As you can see from the photo, my skin is red with a few recent acne/scarring areas. 

This mask is a yellowish/clear color and smells like Pineapples (hence the name!) I really like the scent of it.

What I don't like about it? It itched like crazy! I have never tried a mask like this (always ones that help with acne) so I am unsure if this is normal. But because it itched so much, I probably will not repurchase it. 
Right after I washed this off of my face, you can see that my face is still just as red as before. But my face looked brighter and was super smooth! I probably didn't need moisturizer afterwards, but I applied it anyways (I have super oily skin).

This picture is with the flash.
I forgot to take a picture of my skin the next day, but it definitely looked brighter and less red. I can't really tell you if it made my skin look younger, because I am young myself. So I probably am not the best candidate for that.
Overall I think this is a great mask if you can get over the itchiness. I still have some left in that package that I will use...but as I mentioned I won't repurchase.
You can get this mask in this "sample" packet at Walmart. You can't buy the full size there unfortunately. If this is something you would like in a mask I say go for it! The small packages are great because you can test them out like I did. I bought a few of the other ones, which I liked and will probably do a review once I buy the full sizes.
Jessica :)

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